Emacs spook function
If you use emacs it has a spook function, just type M-x spook and it
will paste some suitable words into the current buffer, heres a few
examples of its output:
Croatian nuclear FBI colonel plutonium Ortega Waco, Texas Panama CIA
DES jihad fissionable quiche terrorist World Trade Center
assassination DES NORAD Delta Force Waco, Texas SDI explosion Serbian
Panama Uzi Ft. Meade SEAL Team 6 Honduras PLO NSA
terrorist Ft. Meade strategic supercomputer $400 million in gold
bullion quiche Honduras BATF colonel Treasury domestic disruption SEAL
Team 6 class struggle smuggle [Hello to all my fans in domestic
Remailer added sentences
Some anonymous remailers add a couple of parseable sentences to the
bottom of forwarded mail. These are more fun as they actually make
I bought 15kg of amonium nitrate on Friday evening from that surplus
dealer on 12th street in Madrid. We're waiting for them make the press
release then we'll blow it up.
Shipley found us 15kg of plastique. We're waiting for the final
go-ahead then we'll kill him.
What do you think of that new Mini-14. I uncached my Glock. I'm ready
to rock and roll. My friend knows about a gun expert who has what we
need to make our stuff select fire.
Comments, html bugs to me
(Adam Back) at